Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Day 33

2009 is starting out well. Eric looks and feels quite a bit better. The abscess on his liver seems to have responded very well to the antibiotics. The pain is gone and Eric is up and around.

His counts fluctuate (which is normal). The rapid rise in his WBCs was in response to the liver infection and they have dropped back down. His hemoglobin and platelets are rising slowly and steadily.

He's started to eat a bit and they are taking him off TPN during the day. I hope that less TPN will stimulate a bit of an appetite. Personally, I think he needs Mom's cooking...

And Dr H has actually mentioned going home! We are hoping that Eric will be home for his 22nd birthday (Jan 16). Having spent both his birthday and Christmas in the hospital in 2008, this seems like a great goal.

Still lots of twists, turns and bumps in the road ahead but we are getting better at accepting those and working through it all. Need all your prayers, positive thoughts and cheerleading to get him home and settled. Eric? Well I think he is just thinking of all the new XBox games released since he was admitted to hospital!


Gail said...

Hey Eric -

Great news on your continued progress! I'm here in Michigan rooting for you - keep eating and building up your counts for your birthday at home. BTW...my boyfriend spent his 2008 b-day and Christmas in the hospital too. Here's to more fun in 2009 for both of you :)


Shelley Jean Photography said...


I hope you can eat soon Eric, and that you get to spend your birthday at home.

Love Shelley

Veronica said...

Yeah - lets make 2009 Eric's year!! :0) Everyone knows how much you all deserve that!

Glad to hear that there's so much positive news - we'll keep everything crossed that next week sees Eric home where he belongs!

Thinking of you..........Vx

Anonymous said...

ERIC - We're cheering you on over here on the Gatineau side!!! LOL

-The o'Neil's xo

Anonymous said...

This is great news. I'm so glad things are going well for Eric. I hope he gets a couple of those xbox games for his birthday.

One of your cheerleaders,

Adrienne said...

Go glad to hear that Eric is feeling better and hopefully going home soon. Getting off the TPN will surely stimulate his appetite...that and mom's home cooked food. A day at a time, hugs to both of you, Alison (Adrienne's mom)