Thursday, 3 April 2008

Hodgkins Research

Hello -- I know that alot of you are waiting to hear what will happen next. We are waiting too! Eric has an appointment with the BMT team in Ottawa next Tuesday, so we will know more about their recommendations then.

In the meantime, I want to thank everyone who has been in touch. Knowing that many of you have signed up to be a bone marrow donor is thrilling! I love to think that because of our tiny attempt to build awareness of the bone marrow registry that someone will have a new lease on life! Pay it forward....

I have been doing alot of reading about Hodgkins research and want to share this article with you:

MD Anderson is in Houston, Texas and they are one of the leading researchers in the field. I was very impressed by this article -- it is filled with hope for the many, many young people who are facing a completely unfair diagnosis of cancer.

You can bet that I will be asking our Ottawa team who they are consulting with in solving for Eric's situation. I am hoping that MD Anderson is mentioned. If not.... well... I happened to find today that MD Anderson has a Canadian liaison office in Toronto. I don't know yet how this would work, but we need to find a way to get Eric cured and if we need to look at options outside of Ottawa, well.... then we'll need to find a way to do that.

Finally, an important note... Eric's former boss has invited him to attend the Sens game tomorrow night -- What a terrific guy! Paul, I have never met you -- but let me say, you are a class act. If anyone wants to support a fantastic businessman in Ottawa, make sure you swing by the Subway in Carlingwood. Thanks Paul.

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