Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Day - 3

Ugh - didn't really think I'd ever be starting new posts with another countdown...

Day -3 was an uneventful but sleepy day. More Fludarabine and Campath - lots of benedryl to counter some minor reactions to the Campath.

Eric was relieved to hear yesterday that the do not expect he will have the severe mucositis that he had with the first transplant. Because his white counts have been low for a while now, there will not be that sudden drop in counts that leads to the nasty sore mouth, throat and gut. Certainly hope they are right - he deserves even a tiny break.

And finally, just for you, Veronica..... After all, you have been our number 1 fan forever! You know we love your support and messages and I could never ignore a request from you.


B. said...

"Didn't really think I'd ever be starting new posts with another countdown..."

My heart hurts, knowing you and Eric, and the fam have to go through this again. I still can't get over how fast, this process is going for all of you..

But take peace in knowing, that this will be a means to the end of the Hodge forever, for Eric.

The pictures from the wedding are beautiful. Again, here, thinking of all of you.

Cheering you guys on -- as you take it day by day. And hoping for the least amount of side effects from this conditioning chemo so Eric gets a break.

(I am too, relieved that you guys will be in-patient, let those nurses do their job, and give that boy drugs when he needs it...)

Sending Love love love,


Veronica said...

Awww - thanks, Kathy!! You look GORGEOUS! Thanks so much for sharing - you look very much the proud mom and rightly so!

We're counting down with you - your family and Eric's donor have touched us so much, we really are with you every step - just wish we were closer to be more help, but for now, messages and pom poms will have to do :0)

Love to all........stay strong, this too shall pass..........Vx

Adrienne said...

Wow, a gorgeous and happy picture. I'm glad you posted.

Having been down the road before, I know it's hard to start again, but hopefully, this will do the trick. (Okay, so Veronica does better pom poms than me.) Adrienne found fludarabine to be a breeze and hopefully Eric will too. Here's to counting up...forever.

Love, Alison (Adrienne's mom)

Anonymous said...

my prayers are with you and eric